Hi All!!! My name is Mark Tuttle, and I am the Chairperson of the St. Edith Parish Pastoral Council (PC). One of our PC Goals is to be more visible to you, our St. Edith Parish Family. With that in mind, this is the first installment of Parish Council Corner. Every few weeks, we will have a new article in the bulletin. Our goal is to inform you what is happening with the PC, what our various commissions do, and introduce you to each member of the PC. In today’s installment, I will discuss what is the role of the PC and a brief introduction about me.
The St. Edith Parish Pastoral Council is a group of St. Edith parishioners whose role is to consult and advise the pastor (Fr. Jim) in the planning for the entire parish. The PC does not make any decisions for the parish but assists Fr. Jim in his decision-making process. The PC consists of 6 At-Large members who serve 3 year terms, along with representatives from the Worship Commission, Finance Commission, Christian Service Commission, Education Commission, Evangelization/Welcoming Commission, as well as a representative for our Young Adults and a representative for our Seniors. The PC also establishes the Goals and Objectives each year for the parish, and then follows up monthly with each Commission to ensure we are working toward achieving these Goals and Objectives. We meet at least monthly to review, discuss and assist in everything going on within the parish.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update, and I hope you will look forward for future updates in Parish Council Corner.
Thanks and God Bless!!!
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is the primary consultative body to the Pastor in planning and overall decision-making in all areas of parish life. As the primary visioning body of the parish, the Pastoral Council assists the pastor in:
- Soliciting the wisdom of the St. Edith Parish Community on pastoral matters.
- Forming a consensus about pastoral planning, which addresses the needs of the Parish.
- Communicating the pastoral vision to the Parish as a whole.
- Involving the parish commissions in implementing the vision.
Work of the Parish Pastoral Council
The role of the total membership of the Parish Pastoral Council is to establish Operating Procedures and write a mission statement which is a vision for the parish. It is what we are striving to accomplish on behalf of Jesus Christ. The Council also establishes Parish Goals, which flow from the mission statement and describe what the parish would like to accomplish over the next 3 to 5 years. Objectives are established that define how we reach our goals. Objectives are developed with input from each Commission. The implementation of programs and activities are carried out within each commission.
Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room.
Parish Pastoral Council
Mark Tuttle |
Elisabeth Johnston |
Denise Brady Christian Service Commission 248-888-6952 Biography |
Deb Beaman Education Commission 616-752-9278 Biography |
John Brady Finance Commission 248-888-6952 Biography |
Donna DelFavero Worship Commission 734-261-4577 Biography |
Joseph Bertrand Seniors 734-261-6482 Biography |
Sherry Szymanski Member-at-Large Biography |
Jim Wyzlic Member-at-Large Biography |
Jill Josey Member-at-Large 734-740-3068 Biography |
Steven Kraska Member-at-Large 734-787-0842 kimberlykraska22@gmail.com Biography |
Fr. Jim McNulty, Pastor (734) 464-1222, ext. 319 frjim@stedith.org Biography |
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
More about the Council | March 2023 | April 2023 |
May 2023 | October 2023 | December 2023 |
January 2024 | February 2024 | April 2024 |
May 2024 |
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