St Edith Catholic Church Go to main content
Welcome Visitors

Hospitality and Welcoming Ministry

Hospitality is an important part of parish life.  A very important ministry is our Weekend Hospitality Ministry! It serves in greeting new visitors to our church and also assisting parishioners with needs they may have.     

The Welcoming & Information Team volunteers assist by:

  • Meeting you at our entrance doors
  • Answering questions about St. Edith’s ministries and community life
  • Help newcomers with parish registration and finding their way around
  • Introduce new families to our Sunday children’s programs (religion classes, Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
  • Receive Mass Intentions
  • And more!

   Welcome Committee Sign-Up   

Sunday Coffee and Donuts & Saturday Night Snacks 

  • Sunday 8:30am - Deb Strautz 734-464-1222
  • Sunday 11:00am - Leslie Colbeck 734-853-8107
  • Saturday 5:00pm - Chris Dixon 734-464-0368

Help host the social time following the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass and the 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday Masses. If you can make coffee, pick up doughnuts and have an outgoing personality, we are looking for you. 

First Sunday Spaghetti Dinners

Contacts: Linda Kramer (734) 464-2020

Help cook and serve spaghetti and sides on the first Sunday of each month at 6pm after evening Mass.

Coffee and Conversation with Fr. Jim

Contacts: Linda Kramer (734) 464-2020

First Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. Help prepare for the discussion and then stay and listen/chat!

Usher Ministry

Our Ushers are called to be on the front lines for assisting and welcoming our parishioners and visitors at St. Edith. We are currently looking to grow our Ushering Ministry, especially at the Sunday 11 am Mass.

Being a member of the Ushering Ministry is very rewarding and is a great way to get involved and meet other members of the St. Edith Community.

The Ushering Ministry is open to any confirmed Catholic and we welcome and encourage any parishioner to join the Team. We have many family members that usher together – spouses, parents and children, siblings, etc. Bring a family member or bring a friend! Ushers are placed on teams which generally serve at a specific Mass every other month.

If you love helping people, have the hospitality charism, or just want a fun and easy way to get involved, the Ushering Ministry may just be what you’re looking for! For more information, please contact the parish office at 734-464-1222 or


Our thanks to all our hospitality volunteers for their very important role in our community!   If you’d be interested in assisting the parish in our welcoming and hospitality ministry please call the Parish Office at (734) 464-1222, or email at

Thank you!

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15089 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: (734) 464-1222

Mon-Fri All Church doors are locked at 8 pm


All Are Welcome!

Parish Office Hours:

Mon & Tues 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wed & Thurs 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Closed for Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

All Are Welcome!
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