Welcome to St. Edith Catholic Church!
Click for Lenten Activities
April 13 - Palm Sunday
Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm/Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am
April 17 - Holy Thursday
Mass: 7:00 pm Adoration follows
April 18 - Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 12:00 pm; Liturgy of the Word Service 1:00 pm
April 19 - Holy Saturday
Food Blessing 11:00 am; Vigil Service 7:00 pm
April 20 - Easter Sunday
Mass: 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 12:30 pm
We will welcome you regardless of your present status in the Catholic Church. We will welcome you regardless of your current family situation or marital status. We will welcome you if you are a staunch Catholic or do not like organized religion. We will not judge you based upon your personal history, age, race, ethnic background, appearance, sexual orientation or gender identity. We welcome children, even when they act like children. If there is no crying, our Parish is dying! We are all on a spiritual journey, trying to find our way. All are welcome to join us on our spiritual journey at St. Edith.
Volunteer Opportunity of the Month
Family Life Group
Have you wondered who is responsible for organizing and putting on family events here at St. Edith? Events like the Fall Event/Trunk or Treat are done by a small group of volunteers called, "Family Life." Additionally, we host making Advent Wreaths in November; the annual Children's Nativity Pageant in December; a Family Service opportunity in February and collaborating with the Knights of Columbus for the Easter Egg Hunt/Bunny Lunch in April. Many hands make light work, and we need more hands! Please consider joining this group of wonderful people so that we may continue to offer family-based events at St. Edith! Call Linda at 734-469-2965 to volunteer!
Lenten Almsgiving Projects
To learn more, click here.
March 8/9 - Right to Life Baby Shower
March 15/16 - Another Day Resource Center
March 22/23 - Lighthouse Mission
March 29/30 - Seedlings Braille Books for Children
April 5/6 - Plymouth Foster Closet
April 12/13 - Food Collection for St. Christine's